Word Wizard

1. Exception pg. 15 paragraph: 1

I was what the Friendly Corners Trailer Park manager, Mr. Alfred, called “an exception.”

Definition: A special case where one rule does not include a specific person or thing like it does with another thing or person. (noun)

2. Missionary pg. 13 paragraph: 1

Before I was born, he was a missionary in India and that is how I got my first name.

Definition: A religious person who travels to spread the word of God to non-believers or to strengthen one’s faith. (noun)

3. Pathological pg. 75 paragraph: 5

“Do you know what a pathological fear is?”

Definition: A behavior that occurs no matter what if a certain situation happens; it is habitual and repetitive. (adjective)

4. Melancholy pg. 121 paragraph: 9

“It almost tastes a little melancholy,” he said.

Definition: Something that is or brings sadness and is gloomy. (adjective) 

5. Constellations pg. 28 paragraph: 2

She knew all the constellations, every planet in the nighttime sky.

Definition: A formation or cluster of stars. (noun)

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